Three Words

On Hearing This

This morning, 11-14-2023 as I was on my way to work I stopped at a red light. I thought, “Read something in the word.”

I carry a pocket size Gospel of John in reaching distance in the car.

I responded to that thought with, “I don’t have enough time, the light will turn in a few seconds.”

“A few seconds may be all you need.”

With that I opened and began to read.

The light changed to green a few seconds into my reading.

All I was able to read was…

“On hearing this…” John 6:60 

That is all I had time to read, but it stayed with me.

As I lay down after work to take a nap and recuperate from the day I awakened with a few thoughts.

“What do you need to hear?”

“What do God need to hear from you?”

“Why did the Lord say, ask me for the nations, why didn’t he just give him the nations?”

“There are some things people need to hear.”

“Are you willing to speak or write what people need to hear?”

Those three words apparently stayed with me all day in my spirit and when things got quiet I was able to hear what the Lord was saying.

Look at all those questions the Lord has given me to explore!!!

I know, when the Lord hears these questions from me he moves to provide the answers. I love that about him. James 1:5-7

This all came together because of those three words I read this morning!!!

Mind you, the Lord drew from many years of reading the scriptures I have in my heart. But it doesn’t take much for the Lord to put things together and bring back scripture you have read.

The Holy Spirit will bring all things to your remembrance.


When you read what The Lord said to his disciples to produce the statement, “upon hearing this.”

Many misunderstood what he was saying, because many stopped following him.

I find that there are many people who misunderstand the Lord.

As I read the book of John there are many instances where people did not understand what he was saying.

Many were wrong in trying to interpret what he was saying or doing.


Those that would stay with him would soon understand better. He would at times explain to the disciple what he was saying.

I asked the Lord in prayer, why he didn’t explain what he was saying so that they would not leave because they misunderstood.

I believe he said, I want them to come to me. If you don’t understand something I said, who better to go to then the one who said it. I want them to come to me.

Eternal life is in knowing the father and the Lord Jesus Christ. And the only way to know him is to come and commune with him. John 17:3, 1 John 1:3

Jesus said to the Jewish leaders, “ You study the scriptures because you think they will give you life, but they speak of me and yet you will not come to me to have eternal life.”

The Major misunderstanding

Many think that because they are religious they are fine. Because they go to church and give occasionally, that’s all they need to do.

I want to share another day’s reading with you that fits right here. It was short as well and stuck with me.

John 16:2

They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.

The thought that stayed with me after reading this is that religious people can be wrong about who God is and what pleases him.

We think that religious people know God.

Not necessarily!

Remember there are many in the church today that were put there by the enemy. They are called tares. They look just like the real thing but they are not.

Matt 13: 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.

So how do you get to know God?

Ok wow that’s a big question for this small post.

But you start with reading his word, praying and attending a bible teach, preaching church.

The main thing is remember, everything He did for us is to create a relationship with us. Talk to him about everything. Ask him for help. Let him talk to you through his word the bible. 

If you feel the Lord is speaking to you, ask a seasoned believer if it could be from the Lord.

Follow me as I follow Christ.

Feel free to message me Here.

Be patient with me, I’m very busy this time of year. I have a lot going on But I will respond.

Perhaps this prayer will help.

Lord, I want to get to know you. God of creation, help me. Lead me in the path of righteousness. Who are you? Show me. Open my understanding that I may know you. Thank you Amen.

Begin Reading his word by looking up the scriptures given in this post and talk to him about what you read.

It may be awkward at first but it will become the norm if you continue. 

-Roy George