I have to be in the dark to see?
What are you talking about?
My new computer, I have trouble seeing the keys to type. It’s made from some kind of matalic metal looking stuff that I have trouble seeing when the lights are on but when I turn the lights off and put on”light up keypad” I can see. I think that is a step in the wrong direction.
I didn’t intend to talk about that but it’s what’s on my mind right now!!!
Am I going to keep this laptop or replace it?
I found that it has three setting to hep display the keys. It also helps if I sit higher and look down on the keys.
Ok enough about that.
I wanted to talk about the scripture in Geneses that say the Lord breathed into Adam and he became a living soul. But did you noticed he was made from dust, dirt. The lowest substanc on earth. But once God breathed into him he became a living soul. The highest form of life on earth.
This spoke to my heart. I have been trying to find words to describe what I know and feel in my spirit. That we are wholly dependent on God. That it is the Lord who makes us who we are.That we can do nothing without him. That all the good we do comes from him. And without Him we can do nothing.
I am convinced that the more you understand and give yourself over to the greatness of God the more mature you become as a believer. The more power you will see God manifest in your life because you will not mistake his greatness as your own and give Him all the glory he deserves.
Because he can trust you with many gifts he will bestoy all for his glory.
I believe the reason for the tree of knowledge in the garden was to illistrate and demonstrate that God is God and you must not desire what is his alone.
To partake of the tree is to desire what Lucifer desired. That was to take God’s place, seek what belongs to God and make it his own.
God gave them everything to freely enjoy.
But they wanted what they could not have.
You cannot be God.
If your ok with that God will give you everything!
So you can go from the lowest to the highest just by letting God breathe in and through you.
You will become a living soul.
Not just someone who is alive but who really lives.
You will experience the wonder of living.
But how, how do you let God breath in and through you?
Begin with reading His word. Praying His word. Attending to his word in church services. Worshipping with other believers. and above all, speaking to him as a father. Ask him how to begin and watch him confirm his word.
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