I have watched a lot of videos. This one I pretty much like the best, however, it was a little distracting with the editing because they spoke another language. I believe it was well worth it enjoy. There is a curvature calculator you can find on the web just by searching for Earth curvature calculator that will help you understand where they get the dimensions that they speak of when they talk about the horizon.
A 7-year study by scientists seeking scientific and definitive evidence.
1st experiment , 2nd experiment 12:00, 3rd experiment 14:00, 4th – 16:00
I had to look this up for myself…
At location 23:00 in the video above they did a test.
They said the buildings were 3050 Km / 1895 miles, from each other.
I had to check the distance for myself on google maps. Yep, they are right. Check out the image below.

Is that amazing or what?
The buildings should be 52 miles below the horizon if there is curvature.
No curvature.
What’s wrong with the picture on the left??? Do you see it?

If you’re on the moon looking back at earth shouldn’t it take up all the visible space in front of you, not just a moon size planet?
See the image in the video below.
Do you recall seeing clocks of antiquity that look like that?
Perhaps they knew more than we gave them credit for?
This is not far-fetched. We know that the north pole is moving…

Floating Around In Space?
Why do they show us that everything in space just floats around? We are told that the earth is moving at 67,000 mph around the sun, The sun is moving 600,000 mph through our galaxy. Our galaxy is moving 675,000,000 mph through space.
Then how can things just float around? Wouldn’t they be left behind?
Of course, it would.
But not if the earth is not moving and the sun and stars are moving around us.
Think about it.
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