Freedom for the9009
Freedom to do what God inspires you to do.
I awakened this morning with a thought. Doubt is the only thing that can stop you. You have been given the gift of […]
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I am moving forward to create great success in business. I will not be denied. I have faith that God is our provider. […]
Okay, well let me tell you what happened today. so I was talking with a friend and he was telling me how difficult […]
On the way to work, I picked up my small pocket-size book of John and began reading John chapter 1. I was stopped […]
I have to be in the dark to see? What are you talking about? My new computer, I have trouble seeing the keys […]
What if we decided to focus on the things we want to do instead of the things we don’t want to do? There […]
I’ve watched a lot of videos and did research this one covers a great deal of what I’ve learned.