How to get things done!

I was thinking, “Why have you stopped moving forward with your affiliate marketing?”

With that in mind I began responding to FB messages. I saw my invitation was accepted by Growth Academy. I saw a poll in Growth Academy that asked how you were doing with the course.

Then I saw the response from Gan…

He put in words what I now know was the reason why I stopped moving forward.


Immediately my mind went to the idea of a broken focus.

I have been aware lately of how important your focus is.

It seems that everybody and everything wants our attention.

So this is war. We must control our focus.

So what can I do?

I’ve decided to jot down everything that needs my attention and assign some time to each. I guess I’m referring to a day timer of sorts.

But with a twist. I’m going to use a blog. I like the fact that I can move entries around with just a click of an arrow. I will keep that post in pending or draft, then when It’s accurate and effective I can publish it in private mode.

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